9 Organizational Development challenges for HR in 2019

Learn and get ahead of the challenges in organizational development which HR will face more frequently during 2019.

Human Resources (HR) professionals will have to handle delicate situations this year such as gossip, stress and revenge, in a tactful manner.

1. Loyalty.

More than half of the workers are thinking about leaving their current job, and although they are loyal to their companies, they would leave if a better job opportunity arises.

2. Employee distrust participation surveys.

HR finds it hard to make workers talk and explain why they don’t feel happy with their current job.

3. Stress.

Workers feel stressed at work and this affects their sleep, health, relationships, productivity and sense of well-being.

4. Tattoos.

Among today’s employers body art has become a problem for the recruitment process.

5. The management of intermediate managers.

Intermediate managers take dozens of decisions every day and they are overburdened with all the work of managing subordinates. They are also responsible before senior officials for applying their policies, even when they take no part in designing such policies and their analysis of results often reflect a contradictory reality.

6. Labor revenges.

At the workplace employees find many ways to avenge themselves by spreading unflattering rumors about their enemies, hiding the possessions of their coworkers, etc.

7. Hiring of managers.

Hiring a leader has become increasingly complex: you have to learn to evaluate them in an integral manner that takes into account their character, their abilities for organization, their talent for micro management, etc.

8. Build trust of the CEO.

CEOs report that their best HR professionals haven’t been able to efficiently use data analysis to forecast the company’s employment needs, and they seem to fail to effectively identify channels for new talent and talent sources.

9. Gossip.

HR must know when gossip goes beyond daily and colorful conversation and turns into something hurtful or harmful: companies have the right and the duty to ban gossip at the workplace.