7 considerations to evaluate a recruiter’s performance

Presents a 7-point guide to assess the work of recruiters.

A good evaluation should take into account a wide variety of factors, including the position and industry for which you are recruiting, the resources available to the new employees and their additional responsibilities.

1. What is evaluated?

  • Internal rate of time needed for filling a work position.
  • Acceptance rate of the offers made.
  • Rotation/retention rates and other internally significant metrics.

2. The tools available to the recruiter

  • Recruitment in social networks.
  • El reclutamiento en redes sociales.

3. The complexity of the wanted profile

Not all jobs have the same requirements. Recruiters carry out searches for all types of profiles, it could be useful to apply some filters:

  • High volume and easy to fill roles.
  • Medium career profiles.
  • Professional roles.
  • Scarce profiles with uncommon skill sets.

4. The recruitment averages

The objective is to establish an appropriate range of open requests per recruiter and staff’s budget. Failing to do so increases the time needed to fill the position and could cause the exhaustion of the recruiter while diminishing the positive experience of the candidate and the quality of a potential hiring.

5. The benchmarks by industry

Knowing the staff size, geographic location, sector and profit status can be useful as a starting point to establish internal standards.

6. The comparative evaluation

Comparing the historical workload of the recruiter, of other recruiters, and the positions to be filled can show how these factors affect the final result.

7. Other considerations

  • The amount of time and effort it takes to recruit the required candidates.
  • The flow of applicants for every available position.
  • The amount of external resources that will be required to find the right candidates.
  • The level of selection and the number of interviews that will be needed to complete the recruitment process.
  • The level of experience and knowledge of the recruiter.

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