Learn how to design a job interview without bias

Useful tips for structuring a job interview without any bias from the recruiter.

Unstructured job interviews are ineffective for predicting the performance of candidates. Recruiters must make sure that each candidate feels that equality of opportunities prevails throughout the evaluation process.

Summarize what candidates can expect


Keep unplanned conversations to a minimum, any inadequate personal conversation can unconsciously lead to bias.


Star by introducing yourself, define the nature of the job, enlist the key abilities and skills wanted and explain how the interview questions will be structured.

Ask the same questions in the same order


Determine which skills and abilities are the most critical to success.


Beforehand, prepare seven to ten open questions which allow you to adequately evaluate the attributes of the candidate.

Have defined assessments


Interviewers should rate the candidate’s answers using a cohesive scale.


Define which specific behaviors should be displayed at each level or stage.

Rate candidates immediately after interviews


It is very important to rate candidates immediately after the interview, without further delay.


In your notes, you should include a justification for the score of each answer.