Everyone should start thinking about to cope with the 4.0 era which is changing all the rules of labour.
1. Take automation seriously.
Currently, 10% of industrial tasks are performed by robots: it is expected that by 2025 this percentage will rise to 45%.
2. Focus on your career.
Your area of specialization will depend on your profession, wishes and previous experience with technology, among other things.
3. Do not choose before time.
Start from an overview and gather all the material available that you can. From there, let your intuition and professional aspirations guide you.
4. Train you and never stop doing it
If you want to join the digital revolution you need to explore, inform and train yourself: this effort will soon bring you great rewards.
5. “Reset” your way of thinking.
The important thing is to innovate with technology. In order to accomplish this, you have to learn to think by mixing logic and creativity.
6. Learn to manage fear
Fear is of the greatest enemies that you have to face in the process of a professional reinvention. This is completely normal: the problem is not knowing how to manage your fear.
7. Be passionate.
Behavior has a clear impact on your performance at work in the short term and on your professional successes in the long term.
8. Show off a little.
Besides being good at your job you also have to show it: if you are on the employers’ radar, you will not lack work opportunities.
9. Bring out your human side
Technology will hardly be able to compete with our humanity: the more “human” you are, the harder will to replace you in your job. As complex and as simple as that.