6 types of digital tools indispensable for freelancers

Enumerates the tools that can help freelancers to carry out the completion of tasks.
Today, the independent worker should think about how to increase his productivity. The following describes six basic types of tools for the freelancer:

1. To assemble work proposals.

Apps that help to present your work proposals with the use of templates that can be adapted to meet the needs of any client. Likewise, there are platforms where other professionals can get involved in the project, to make modifications and comments.

2. To organize and plan tasks.

Platforms that help the allocation of tasks, whether individually or for groups that work on the same project. These platforms allow to organize and allocate tasks, while keeping track of each activity and the responsible person.

3. Work mobility.

Portability of documents, storage in the cloud, which give the possibility of consulting stored files, synchronization and compatibility with different operating systems.

4. Repository of notes and documents.

These apps are used for taking notes, to upload images, for creating to-do lists and share them, or to create appointments in a calendar.

5. To help to appropriately charge for projects per hour.

For the amount charged to be correct, it is essential to allow the client to supervise the tasks performed by the freelancer during the time reported as worked. This can be done with screenshots of the freelancer’s computer to review his progress.

6. To issue invoices and elaborate budgets from a mobile device.

This apps help to keep invoices and budgets in order, to have an orderly history of such documents in a simple and portable way.